Meet the
Souligny Family
Saint-Isidore, Ontario
4th generation farmer, Laurent Souligny began farming in 1964 with a herd of dairy cattle, the same year he met and married his wife of Hélène. In 1983, they acquired an egg farm in St.Isiodore (Ontario) and then transitioned exclusively to egg farming in 1992, they never looked back.

Laurent’s son Jean and his wife Brigitte along with two of their children, Nicholas and Patrick, are involved in the farm’s management and day-to-day operations. “Farming is something I’m passionate about” says Jean “It’s a nice way of life and I’m proud to provide healthy food at an affordable price to Canadians.’’ he adds. Brigitte and her mother-in-law Hélène manage the book keeping for the farm.
In 2014, the Soulignys built a new barn that houses 14,000 hens in an enriched system, in addition to their existing conventional barn with 22,000 hens. They are also partners in a pullet farm which raises over 170,000 pullets each year. The family also farms their land for crops, their 1200 acres is evenly split between bean and corn crops.

Laurent is a counsellor for Zone 10 of the EFO (Egg Farmers of Ontario) and represents his district. “Farming is the base of a nation, without farming, there’s no food. You need people to farm the land to provide food” says Laurent.
Eco-friendly initiatives are a priority for the family; they installed solar panels on the pullet farm that they share with two other producers, a source of renewable energy. They also use the hen’s manure to fertilize their crops.

To call Laurent busy would be an understatement, in addition to farming, Laurent is a member of the board at the Hawkesbury Hospital, a member of the Knights of Columbus, sits on his municipalities planning committee and participates in other committees in the community.
Laurent has just entered into an exciting new endeavour; he recently built a sugar shack about 10 minutes away from the farm and has tapped over 5,800 trees. The first season yielded 2,600 gallons of maple syrup and he couldn’t be happier!