Meet the
Schafers Family
Stony Plain, Alberta
The Schafers Family has been proudly farming for almost 30 years on their farm STS Farms an egg farm in Stony Plain, Alberta. Led by Susan Schafers, a second generation family farmer, her farm produces free run brown eggs from Lohmann Brown hens. Susan has three children, Glen, Isaac, and Elisabeth – her children have always enjoyed farm life and some will hopefully become third generation family farmers as well.

“I grew up on a farm”, Susan said, “and I’ve been actively farming since my mid-20’s. It’s a way of life for me – I love taking care of my hens, producing a quality product, and providing for my family. All of my children help day to day on the farm, looking after the hens and doing all of the chores necessary to keep the farm running. We make it work as a family, and it’s great to have my kids involved and working on the farm.”

The Schafers’ also raise 150,000 pullets for other nearby farmers. Susan also does a lot of agriculture education work, and speaks to organizations like the Rotary, the local Chamber, and is involved in a Classroom Agriculture Program. It is certainly a busy family!

When she’s not working, Susan loves getting outdoors and kayaking, spending time with family and friends, and making crafts that she sells locally. She also helps organize events at her community hall, like dances and bingos. Also, for over 10 years she has been involved with her local 4H group as a parent and a leader, helping get the next generation involved and interested in agriculture and animal husbandry. The Schafers’ also have 2 beloved dogs, Jack and Bella, and a 22 year old cat named Calvin.

“It means a lot to me to be an egg farmer. Egg farmers work really hard to ensure that our birds are happy and healthy, because not only is it the right thing to do, but it also produces the best quality product possible. I’m able to product one of the best foods Canadians can buy – eggs are nutritious, affordable, and tasty!”